Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Philosophy of mechanism Essay

Mechanism is the philosophical argument that every natural phenomenon (activity) has physical causes that explain it. Consequently, material subjects with whom natural phenomena can be defined in should have their reference subjects to the state of motion, laws as well as the matter that makes its subjects. The developments of mechanism were to eliminate various materials states of unobservable from the actual state of science.   ( Miller 2002) Mechanists had the view that the nature of organisms was not far different from what composed the subtle machines like the machine that were composed of different arrangements of parts so that the internal system could adequate conduct its inbuilt program. Organisms were is possession of radically and substantially well organized and formulated system of regular conduction between their different parts. (Madell, 1998) Elsewhere, materialism is the believe that matter is the only substance /thing whose existence can be proved without any philosophical doubt. They believe that the basic composition of things is material substance, which implies that such material interactions cause various phenomenological pursuits. ( Miller 2002) Both the old (ancient) and the new (modern) sets of materialism have fundamentally close bargain of equality. Modern materialism is the believe that the matter can only be described after an adequate system of hypothesis which can adequately help to define the material substance for its proof ratification. ( Miller 2002) It is the belief that the finest description of material facts should be pursuit of physical process if not their physical redaction. On the other hand, the ancient (old) materialism was in the view of the physical characteristics of a substance to fully define its material hood. However, according to the ancient materialism, a hypothesis would not quantify in defining the scope of materiality unlike in the modern materialism were full hypothetical analysis should be used to describe the essence of materiality. However, the two proclaim the essence of fact that material of the matter is subject to undoubted presence in describing physical outlay of such substance. (Madell, 1998) REFERENCE Madell, G. (1998) Mind and Materialism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Miller, E (2002) Questions that Matter: An Invitation to philosophy,McGraw – Hill

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Methadone Maintenance

Opiate addiction is a chronic disease that affects millions of people in the Unites States. This deadly epidemic is one that in most cases requires some form of medical treatment. There are many treatment options available to those struggling with addiction. The three most well-known options are rapid detect, jukeboxes, and methadone maintenance (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction Facts for Families and Friends).Though each form of treatment has its own advantages and disadvantages, they all have one common goal; drug freedom. Research has shown that those receiving treatment are nearly twice as likely to achieve their goal of drug freedom (Mayo Clinic). Opiates are highly addictive powerful drugs that are derived from the poppy plant and are generally used to relieve pain (mayo clinic). There are two types of opiates, natural and man-made. Though both are prescribed by physicians with the exception of heroin, often times when dealing with someone that has become addic ted they are obtained illegally.Because of the potential for prescribed opiates to end up being sold or traded on the streets, stricter regulations have been put in lace for physicians to prescribe them (samara). Where they were once a little quicker to write a prescription for a schedule II narcotic, they are now telling patients to â€Å"take a Ethylene or Motoring† (Levied). These regulations have become a necessity in the war against opiate addiction. Deciding to enter into treatment for opiate addiction is one that requires much thought. Generally when one decides that it is time for them to enter treatment, they have hit rock bottom (Levied).However, rock bottom is different for every person. For some, treatment may be court ordered and they are in a situation where their form of retirement is being chosen for them. For some, they are on the verge of losing everything that is important to them, or they may have already lost it. Whatever the reason may be, getting the tr eatment needed is a life changing decision. The best form of treatment varies from person to person. For some, the idea of a rapid detect would be the best. It is a quick process that only requires a short stay of usually 2-4 days in a detect facility or a hospital (mayo clinic).In most cases, the person will be given medication to assist them in dealing with the side effects of withdrawing from opiates. During a rapid detect, patients are monitored around the clock for a period of time for signs life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as cardiac distress and seizures (ASSAM). Those that choose a rapid detect can expect to be sedated to keep them as comfortable as possible during this time period. Prior to sedation, they are generally given Maltreatment, to block the effects of opiates. Other medications may also be given during this time as withdrawal symptoms increase.In many cases medication to help control blood pressure and seizures become necessary. Jukeboxes has become popu lar because it does not require one to report to a clinic lily, but rather are given a prescription to be filled at a pharmacy. Jukeboxes comes in two forms, a tablet and a film, both are administered subliminally (jukeboxes). Though there are regulations governing the prescribing of jukeboxes, they are not nearly as strict as those in place for methadone (FDA). In order for a physician to begin prescribing jukeboxes, they are required to complete online training that is very limited (Manson).For many, that is the only training they have in addiction. Methadone is a synthetic drug that acts in a similar way to narcotics. Methadone moms in the form off tablet, powder, or liquid. The tablet and powder form are dissolved prior to administering the medication. When methadone is taken on a regular schedule, it will build up in the tissues making the effects last longer (samara). Methadone will not provide the same effects of opiates such as sedation or euphoria; it will instead block the se effects if other opiates are used (Catatonia 8). A stable dose will vary from person to person.Generally once someone achieves a stable dose of methadone it will hold them for 24-48 hours without them feeling dope sick (Levied)† Medication-assisted treatment has proven to be the most successful form of treatment for someone wishing to become drug free. However, these forms of treatment face tough criticism. It has been said that treating opiate addiction with medication is simply trading one addiction with another. However for those dealing with the daily struggle of addiction, they depend on these forms of treatment to gain control of their lives.For those people, the daily routines, the counseling, the referrals, the support of others and the consequences is what gives them hope; the pop that they will beat this disease that plagues them (in my own words). Methadone Maintenance treatment is the one form of treatment available that offers all of those things and more. When properly used, I feel that methadone maintenance treatment is the safest and most effective way to treat opiate addiction. There are many reasons that I feel methadone maintenance is the safest form of treatment available to someone battling opiate addiction.Contrary to what some may think, or some of what has been reported, these facilities can have a life changing effect on those who are committed to the program (Methadone Maintenance Treatment Facts). These programs are not only a place for someone to come in, pick up a prescription and leave. Instead these programs require patients to report daily for their medication, at least until they are able to meet all requirements for take home privileges. While there, patients interact with office staff, nursing staff, and clinical staff on a daily basis.Patients are monitored for any changes in their appearance, attitude, alertness, and overall demeanor (Levied). This helps to ensure that if someone is having an issue that staff is th ere to offer assistance right away. For many that battle addiction, Just knowing someone is there to listen and offer as much assistance as possible is enough to get them headed on the right path (In My Own Words). The guidelines set by the federal and state governments are much stricter for methadone maintenance that those set for jukeboxes (samara).For instance, in jukeboxes clients walk into a clinic to sign up and within a matter of a couple of hours they are able to walk out with at the very least medication that should last them a week. When people struggling with addiction first make the choice to enter into a retirement program, they are scared, sick, and in many cases about to lose everything important to them (In My Own Words). These patients are still using illicit drugs daily, and are at this point willing to do whatever it takes to avoid being â€Å"dope sick. Jukeboxes often ends up being sold illegally on the streets because people that have been lying, cheating, and stealing for a long period of time are now given a large amount of medication to take home with them (Levied). Methadone maintenance has a lengthy set of requirements before one is able to obtain the privilege of taking home medication (Blanchard and Crappy). One must be in treatment for 90 days, and produce at least 3 illicit free urine drug screenings before earning the privilege of one dose of medication to take home.In order for someone to have a full week worth of medication to take home with them at one time as they do in jukeboxes treatment after one day, they must be enrolled in the program for a minimum of three years and produce at least 12 illicit free urine drug screenings (SMASH). That is Just one of many requirements for one to earn the privilege of taking home their medication. They also have to participate in regular counseling sessions. The amount of time required for each session varies from patient to patient depending on the amount of time they have been enrolle d in the program as well as their use of illicit substances.Patients are required to sign releases for every physician that they see so that care can be coordinated properly. It is very important that medication that physicians prescribing other medications are aware of the patient being on methadone. By the time patients in methadone maintenance are able to start taking home doses of their medication, they have started on the right path (Levied). They are on a stable dose that effectively holds hem without the use of opiates, and they like the freedom of not having to report to the clinic to be dosed for the day.These take home bottles that are so hard to obtain, are so easy to have revoked as well. If someone produces an illicit urine drug screening, or does not get their required amount of counseling time in for the month among other things, they will have to start earning their take home privileges all over again. Those that receive take home bottles are also subjected to  "call backs (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction. )† This is when the client is allied and given a short notice of when they will have to report to the clinic with all of their used and unused take home bottles.At this time, the bottles are thoroughly inspected to be sure that their medication is in fact being administered the correct way (SAMARA). Because of these guidelines being as strict as they are, less methadone is sold illegally in the streets making it a safer choice. Methadone is also the safest form of treatment for pregnant women who happen to be struggling with opiate addiction (Practical Approach). In fact, it is currently the only FDA approved medication for treating opiate addiction during pregnancy Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MET): A review of Historical and Clinical Issues. When properly prescribed, methadone has proven to provide an environment that is less stressful on a developing fetus (Catatonia, 19). While a proper dose of methadone w ill help to prevent miscarriage and pre-mature labor, other forms of treatment seem to cause these issues. The use of maltreatment has been proven to cause spontaneous abortion, fetal distress, premature labor, and stillbirth Issues. ) Because methadone is a long acting medication, it is able to provide the fetus with an environment that promotes development.Though methadone during pregnancy is considered to be the safest of the options available, it comes with side effects (About Methadone). Babies born to mothers prescribed methadone are at risk for low birth weight. This is a very small risk to take when compared to risks faced with other forms of treatment such as jukeboxes or rapid detect. Some of those risks include fetal distress and miscarriage. During pregnancy, women are monitored very closely by the physician at the clinic and are also required to provide proof of prenatal care from an BOGGY (Levied).Studies have shown no long term effects on babies that are born to mothe rs prescribed methadone during their pregnancy. At birth, these babies will test positive for methadone in their systems, however are able to be weaned in a timely manner (Catatonia, 20). When compared to a rapid detoxification and jukeboxes, methadone maintenance is the safest choice. When a rapid detect lasting 2-4 days in most cases is completed, the patient is left without any aftercare other than what they obtain on their own. They are given a stack of paperwork that in most cases will contain a few referrals for mental health providers and a list of AN meetings.At this time, the patient may be wrought the worst part of the withdrawal process, but they are still unstable (ASSAM). These patients still need the support of clinical and medical personnel, but sadly many will not get that support. Those that do not will most likely find themselves in the same situation they were in previous to the rapid detect. Though patients in jukeboxes treatment have more of a clinical and medic al support than those choosing rapid detect, they still do not have the same support as those in methadone maintenance.Those Just starting out in treatment, whatever option they may choose, are at the lowest points in their lives. It is because of that I feel that they are in need of the most support that is available to them. To me, that support comes from a friendly smile when they walk into the clinic every day that reminds them that they are Just another Junkie, they are a person. They are a person that deserves to be monitored daily, given referrals for housing, food, clothing, medical care, and anything else that they could possibly need. For many addicts, the clinic is the safest place that they are in all day (In My Own Words).The goal of any form of treatment is to improve the patient's health as well as their laity of life (Marion). For many struggling with addiction, their health has come last while obtaining opiates in order to avoid feeling â€Å"dope sick† has c ome first. For many, this low point in their lives will lead them to participate in high risk behaviors. Those that find themselves addicted to opiates will often turn to theft or prostitution in order to fund their habit, while others will share needles used to administer drug such as heroin.These high risk behaviors not only put them at risk for many other infectious diseases such as Hepatitis and HIVE, but for legal troubles as well (Marion). Though the long term results of any treatment lays largely on the person in treatment, studies show methadone maintenance to be the most effective form available at this time (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addiction). Drug freedom is a long term commitment that has to first be taken seriously by the person in treatment. If the dedication on their part is not there, the efforts of clinic staff will not be enough to help them (Pogo).Research has shown that that rapid detect treatment has a high rate of relapse (Medication- Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction). Those that choose a rapid text as a form of treatment often have difficulty transitioning into a lifestyle of recovery. Often times, they are still living in the same places, with the same phone numbers, and associating with the same people making abstinence from opiates even harder to maintain (Mayo Clinic). For most choosing this form of treatment, it only takes one poor decision to be back in the same situation they were before.These poor decisions have devastating effects on their sobriety making this form of treatment the least effective of the three most well-known forms of medication assisted treatment. Psychosocial counseling has proven to be very beneficial to those dealing with addiction. Those enrolled in both Jukeboxes and Methadone Maintenance is required to participate in counseling. However for those that has chosen a rapid detect, this counseling is not a requirement. . Referrals are given to the patients upon discharge from the facili ty, but not everyone follows through with it .For some it is simply because they feel they do not need it, for some it is because they are unable to afford it (Mayo Clinic). Jukeboxes treatment does require some counseling though the guidelines for this is not nearly as strict as those set for ethanol maintenance. For those enrolled in a methadone maintenance treatment program, there are strict rules for clients to obtain this counseling (Pogo). Clients enrolled in a methadone maintenance program are required by state and federal regulation to have a minimum of 2. 5 hours of counseling time per month (ASSAM).Clients will usually meet with their counselors once or twice each week to discuss progress in treatment as well as the goings on in their lives. By discussing issues that the client is dealing with, the counselors are able to teach them skills that will be useful to the client as they continue on the path to drug freedom. During this counseling, clients are taught many ways to recognize triggers that were once their excuse to use illicit substances so that they are able to refrain from using (Pogo). Counselors discuss in depth the things that seem to be holding the clients back from achieving their goal of drug freedom.By doing this, they are able to form treatment plans for the client. These treatment plans list goals as well as steps needed in order to achieve the goals. If needed, clients are given referrals during this time. When referrals are given to a client, the counselor will check in with the client to see if they ere able to get the assistance they were in need of (Pogo). The fact that the counselors take the time to follow-up on things discussed during these sessions hold the client accountable for their treatment. Because they are held accountable, I feel that it helps to make methadone maintenance a more effective form of treatment.The goal of methadone maintenance treatment is to stabilize the patient. A stable dose of methadone with effect ively block the craving for one to use illicitly while avoiding withdrawal symptoms which in turn permits one to function â€Å"normally. † When taken properly, methadone will not create sedation or euphoria. It should have no adverse effects on mental capacity, motor skills, or the ability for one to maintain employment. A stable dose of methadone will hold a person for 24-48 hours which will allow them the time and energy to devote to making improvements in their lives.However, methadone maintenance treatment is a long term commitment. It can take up to a month to achieve a stable dose in order for a patient to get the most benefits out of treatment. A stable dose of methadone varies from person to person (Levied). There are many factors that will affect the dose that one would require to become stable. For many, the tolerance that they have built up over years of illicit use will require them to have a much higher dose of methadone in order to remain stable.For others, hea lth factors and other medications will affect the way their body is able to metabolize the methadone requiring them to have a higher or lower dose. Once a stable dose is achieved, one is usually able to begin the process of getting their lives back on track by dealing legal obligations, following up on medical care that has been pushed to the side, and mending broken relationships with family members (Pogo). The longer one remains committed to treatment; they will have a greater success rate for maintaining their goal of drug freedom.It is recommended that one remain in a methadone maintenance program for a minimum of one year. For many, once they achieve a stable dose and they are able to provide illicit free urine drug screenings, they feel that they will be able to effectively remain drug free on their own. In these cases, the rate of relapse is much higher than those who remain committed to the program for a year or in many cases longer (Methadone Is an Effective Treatment for H eroin Addiction). Those who remain in treatment for at least year are nearly three times as likely to remain drug free than those who are only in treatment for a short period of time.In a methadone maintenance program, the patient along with the influence of clinical and medical staff decide when they have reached a point in their treatment that they are ready to begin decreasing their dose in order to discharge from the treatment program. There is no set time frame to this process. When one decides they are ready to begin decreasing, they have generally been on a stable dose for an extended period of time and have shown that they are able to effectively manage heir new abstinent lifestyle.Patients that decrease their doses slowly have proven to have the most success in remaining drug free. The slow taper allows their bodies time to adjust to the change in medication so that they are able to refrain from having withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms are what will push a pers on into illicit opiate use again. Once a decrease in a person's methadone dose is taken, they are encouraged to remain at that lower dose for a period of at least 2-4 weeks.During this time, the clinical and medical staff is able to monitor the patient o ensure that they are handling the decrease in medication with no adverse effects. This process for tapering will continue until the patient has reached a dose of OMG when they will be able to â€Å"walk off' from the treatment. After the patient has been able to discontinue the use of methadone, they will still receive after care. Clinical staff will make phone calls to check in on the patient and offer them resources that will assist them in remaining drug free.Methadone and Jukeboxes clinics face tough criticism from many. People living in communities where these clinics are located are often unpleased with having a clinic n their neighborhood. Many feel that it will bring drug addicts and crime into their otherwise peaceful neig hborhoods (Swisher). What they fail to realize is that these addicts are a part of their communities regardless of if they are enrolled in a treatment facility or not (In My Own Words). It is a common misconception that it is very easy to â€Å"pick out† an addict (Mayo Clinic).However, that could not be more untrue. There are people everywhere that struggle daily with addiction. Some of these are doctors, lawyers, teachers, actors and actresses, and professional sports figures to name a few (Mayo Clinic). These are people that are clean, well dressed, well groomed and well spoken. Not every addict lacks personal hygiene and an education. There are certain risk factors that may be a factor in opiate addiction. For many who suffer from addiction, the environment that they are in plays a large role in them remaining dependent on illicit substances.There are also inherited traits that will influence one's addiction. Those that have immediate family that suffers with addiction ar e at a higher risk of also having addiction issues themselves. Research has also shown that males are nearly twice as likely to have addiction problems as males (Mayo Clinic). Methadone was approved by the FDA in 1972 for the treatment of opiate addiction. Methadone is considered to be the most effective treatment available to those addicted to opiates (Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MET): A Review of Historical and Clinical Issues).It is estimated that upwards of 170,000 individuals in the United States currently are enrolled in a methadone maintenance program. It has been proven that illicit drug use has decline by over 60% for those that have been enrolled in a methadone maintenance program for a year. For those that main committed to the program for at least two years, the use of illicit opiates declines by nearly 85% (Accreditation Of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Assuring Quality of Care. ) Furthermore, crimes committed by these individuals are also significantly reduced. After lengthy research, I am confident is saying that methadone maintenance treatment is not only the safest method of medication assisted treatment available to those battling opiate addiction, but it is also the most effective Accreditation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Assuring Quality of Care). The regulations overriding methadone maintenance are much stricter than those for other forms of treatment. Methadone maintenance is the only form of medication assisted treatment that is approved by the FDA for pregnant women.It also remains the form of treatment that has the most thorough requirements for admission, and for supplemental and after care. As with any form of treatment, there are pros and cons, however it has been proven that for someone struggling with this disease that the pros far outweigh the cons. This form of medication has assisted thousands of people in getting their lives back. It has made it possible for patients to function successfully in society. These pe ople will be able to maintain employment and be productive. The counseling that they receive will help them to recognize triggers and effectively avoid them. Methadone Maintenance Opiate addiction is a chronic disease that affects millions of people in the Unites States. This deadly epidemic is one that in most cases requires some form of medical treatment. There are many treatment options available to those struggling with addiction. The three most well-known options are rapid detect, jukeboxes, and methadone maintenance (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction Facts for Families and Friends).Though each form of treatment has its own advantages and disadvantages, they all have one common goal; drug freedom. Research has shown that those receiving treatment are nearly twice as likely to achieve their goal of drug freedom (Mayo Clinic). Opiates are highly addictive powerful drugs that are derived from the poppy plant and are generally used to relieve pain (mayo clinic). There are two types of opiates, natural and man-made. Though both are prescribed by physicians with the exception of heroin, often times when dealing with someone that has become addic ted they are obtained illegally.Because of the potential for prescribed opiates to end up being sold or traded on the streets, stricter regulations have been put in lace for physicians to prescribe them (samara). Where they were once a little quicker to write a prescription for a schedule II narcotic, they are now telling patients to â€Å"take a Ethylene or Motoring† (Levied). These regulations have become a necessity in the war against opiate addiction. Deciding to enter into treatment for opiate addiction is one that requires much thought. Generally when one decides that it is time for them to enter treatment, they have hit rock bottom (Levied).However, rock bottom is different for every person. For some, treatment may be court ordered and they are in a situation where their form of retirement is being chosen for them. For some, they are on the verge of losing everything that is important to them, or they may have already lost it. Whatever the reason may be, getting the tr eatment needed is a life changing decision. The best form of treatment varies from person to person. For some, the idea of a rapid detect would be the best. It is a quick process that only requires a short stay of usually 2-4 days in a detect facility or a hospital (mayo clinic).In most cases, the person will be given medication to assist them in dealing with the side effects of withdrawing from opiates. During a rapid detect, patients are monitored around the clock for a period of time for signs life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as cardiac distress and seizures (ASSAM). Those that choose a rapid detect can expect to be sedated to keep them as comfortable as possible during this time period. Prior to sedation, they are generally given Maltreatment, to block the effects of opiates. Other medications may also be given during this time as withdrawal symptoms increase.In many cases medication to help control blood pressure and seizures become necessary. Jukeboxes has become popu lar because it does not require one to report to a clinic lily, but rather are given a prescription to be filled at a pharmacy. Jukeboxes comes in two forms, a tablet and a film, both are administered subliminally (jukeboxes). Though there are regulations governing the prescribing of jukeboxes, they are not nearly as strict as those in place for methadone (FDA). In order for a physician to begin prescribing jukeboxes, they are required to complete online training that is very limited (Manson).For many, that is the only training they have in addiction. Methadone is a synthetic drug that acts in a similar way to narcotics. Methadone moms in the form off tablet, powder, or liquid. The tablet and powder form are dissolved prior to administering the medication. When methadone is taken on a regular schedule, it will build up in the tissues making the effects last longer (samara). Methadone will not provide the same effects of opiates such as sedation or euphoria; it will instead block the se effects if other opiates are used (Catatonia 8). A stable dose will vary from person to person.Generally once someone achieves a stable dose of methadone it will hold them for 24-48 hours without them feeling dope sick (Levied)† Medication-assisted treatment has proven to be the most successful form of treatment for someone wishing to become drug free. However, these forms of treatment face tough criticism. It has been said that treating opiate addiction with medication is simply trading one addiction with another. However for those dealing with the daily struggle of addiction, they depend on these forms of treatment to gain control of their lives.For those people, the daily routines, the counseling, the referrals, the support of others and the consequences is what gives them hope; the pop that they will beat this disease that plagues them (in my own words). Methadone Maintenance treatment is the one form of treatment available that offers all of those things and more. When properly used, I feel that methadone maintenance treatment is the safest and most effective way to treat opiate addiction. There are many reasons that I feel methadone maintenance is the safest form of treatment available to someone battling opiate addiction.Contrary to what some may think, or some of what has been reported, these facilities can have a life changing effect on those who are committed to the program (Methadone Maintenance Treatment Facts). These programs are not only a place for someone to come in, pick up a prescription and leave. Instead these programs require patients to report daily for their medication, at least until they are able to meet all requirements for take home privileges. While there, patients interact with office staff, nursing staff, and clinical staff on a daily basis.Patients are monitored for any changes in their appearance, attitude, alertness, and overall demeanor (Levied). This helps to ensure that if someone is having an issue that staff is th ere to offer assistance right away. For many that battle addiction, Just knowing someone is there to listen and offer as much assistance as possible is enough to get them headed on the right path (In My Own Words). The guidelines set by the federal and state governments are much stricter for methadone maintenance that those set for jukeboxes (samara).For instance, in jukeboxes clients walk into a clinic to sign up and within a matter of a couple of hours they are able to walk out with at the very least medication that should last them a week. When people struggling with addiction first make the choice to enter into a retirement program, they are scared, sick, and in many cases about to lose everything important to them (In My Own Words). These patients are still using illicit drugs daily, and are at this point willing to do whatever it takes to avoid being â€Å"dope sick. Jukeboxes often ends up being sold illegally on the streets because people that have been lying, cheating, and stealing for a long period of time are now given a large amount of medication to take home with them (Levied). Methadone maintenance has a lengthy set of requirements before one is able to obtain the privilege of taking home medication (Blanchard and Crappy). One must be in treatment for 90 days, and produce at least 3 illicit free urine drug screenings before earning the privilege of one dose of medication to take home.In order for someone to have a full week worth of medication to take home with them at one time as they do in jukeboxes treatment after one day, they must be enrolled in the program for a minimum of three years and produce at least 12 illicit free urine drug screenings (SMASH). That is Just one of many requirements for one to earn the privilege of taking home their medication. They also have to participate in regular counseling sessions. The amount of time required for each session varies from patient to patient depending on the amount of time they have been enrolle d in the program as well as their use of illicit substances.Patients are required to sign releases for every physician that they see so that care can be coordinated properly. It is very important that medication that physicians prescribing other medications are aware of the patient being on methadone. By the time patients in methadone maintenance are able to start taking home doses of their medication, they have started on the right path (Levied). They are on a stable dose that effectively holds hem without the use of opiates, and they like the freedom of not having to report to the clinic to be dosed for the day.These take home bottles that are so hard to obtain, are so easy to have revoked as well. If someone produces an illicit urine drug screening, or does not get their required amount of counseling time in for the month among other things, they will have to start earning their take home privileges all over again. Those that receive take home bottles are also subjected to  "call backs (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction. )† This is when the client is allied and given a short notice of when they will have to report to the clinic with all of their used and unused take home bottles.At this time, the bottles are thoroughly inspected to be sure that their medication is in fact being administered the correct way (SAMARA). Because of these guidelines being as strict as they are, less methadone is sold illegally in the streets making it a safer choice. Methadone is also the safest form of treatment for pregnant women who happen to be struggling with opiate addiction (Practical Approach). In fact, it is currently the only FDA approved medication for treating opiate addiction during pregnancy Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MET): A review of Historical and Clinical Issues. When properly prescribed, methadone has proven to provide an environment that is less stressful on a developing fetus (Catatonia, 19). While a proper dose of methadone w ill help to prevent miscarriage and pre-mature labor, other forms of treatment seem to cause these issues. The use of maltreatment has been proven to cause spontaneous abortion, fetal distress, premature labor, and stillbirth Issues. ) Because methadone is a long acting medication, it is able to provide the fetus with an environment that promotes development.Though methadone during pregnancy is considered to be the safest of the options available, it comes with side effects (About Methadone). Babies born to mothers prescribed methadone are at risk for low birth weight. This is a very small risk to take when compared to risks faced with other forms of treatment such as jukeboxes or rapid detect. Some of those risks include fetal distress and miscarriage. During pregnancy, women are monitored very closely by the physician at the clinic and are also required to provide proof of prenatal care from an BOGGY (Levied).Studies have shown no long term effects on babies that are born to mothe rs prescribed methadone during their pregnancy. At birth, these babies will test positive for methadone in their systems, however are able to be weaned in a timely manner (Catatonia, 20). When compared to a rapid detoxification and jukeboxes, methadone maintenance is the safest choice. When a rapid detect lasting 2-4 days in most cases is completed, the patient is left without any aftercare other than what they obtain on their own. They are given a stack of paperwork that in most cases will contain a few referrals for mental health providers and a list of AN meetings.At this time, the patient may be wrought the worst part of the withdrawal process, but they are still unstable (ASSAM). These patients still need the support of clinical and medical personnel, but sadly many will not get that support. Those that do not will most likely find themselves in the same situation they were in previous to the rapid detect. Though patients in jukeboxes treatment have more of a clinical and medic al support than those choosing rapid detect, they still do not have the same support as those in methadone maintenance.Those Just starting out in treatment, whatever option they may choose, are at the lowest points in their lives. It is because of that I feel that they are in need of the most support that is available to them. To me, that support comes from a friendly smile when they walk into the clinic every day that reminds them that they are Just another Junkie, they are a person. They are a person that deserves to be monitored daily, given referrals for housing, food, clothing, medical care, and anything else that they could possibly need. For many addicts, the clinic is the safest place that they are in all day (In My Own Words).The goal of any form of treatment is to improve the patient's health as well as their laity of life (Marion). For many struggling with addiction, their health has come last while obtaining opiates in order to avoid feeling â€Å"dope sick† has c ome first. For many, this low point in their lives will lead them to participate in high risk behaviors. Those that find themselves addicted to opiates will often turn to theft or prostitution in order to fund their habit, while others will share needles used to administer drug such as heroin.These high risk behaviors not only put them at risk for many other infectious diseases such as Hepatitis and HIVE, but for legal troubles as well (Marion). Though the long term results of any treatment lays largely on the person in treatment, studies show methadone maintenance to be the most effective form available at this time (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addiction). Drug freedom is a long term commitment that has to first be taken seriously by the person in treatment. If the dedication on their part is not there, the efforts of clinic staff will not be enough to help them (Pogo).Research has shown that that rapid detect treatment has a high rate of relapse (Medication- Assisted Treatment for Podia Addiction). Those that choose a rapid text as a form of treatment often have difficulty transitioning into a lifestyle of recovery. Often times, they are still living in the same places, with the same phone numbers, and associating with the same people making abstinence from opiates even harder to maintain (Mayo Clinic). For most choosing this form of treatment, it only takes one poor decision to be back in the same situation they were before.These poor decisions have devastating effects on their sobriety making this form of treatment the least effective of the three most well-known forms of medication assisted treatment. Psychosocial counseling has proven to be very beneficial to those dealing with addiction. Those enrolled in both Jukeboxes and Methadone Maintenance is required to participate in counseling. However for those that has chosen a rapid detect, this counseling is not a requirement. . Referrals are given to the patients upon discharge from the facili ty, but not everyone follows through with it .For some it is simply because they feel they do not need it, for some it is because they are unable to afford it (Mayo Clinic). Jukeboxes treatment does require some counseling though the guidelines for this is not nearly as strict as those set for ethanol maintenance. For those enrolled in a methadone maintenance treatment program, there are strict rules for clients to obtain this counseling (Pogo). Clients enrolled in a methadone maintenance program are required by state and federal regulation to have a minimum of 2. 5 hours of counseling time per month (ASSAM).Clients will usually meet with their counselors once or twice each week to discuss progress in treatment as well as the goings on in their lives. By discussing issues that the client is dealing with, the counselors are able to teach them skills that will be useful to the client as they continue on the path to drug freedom. During this counseling, clients are taught many ways to recognize triggers that were once their excuse to use illicit substances so that they are able to refrain from using (Pogo). Counselors discuss in depth the things that seem to be holding the clients back from achieving their goal of drug freedom.By doing this, they are able to form treatment plans for the client. These treatment plans list goals as well as steps needed in order to achieve the goals. If needed, clients are given referrals during this time. When referrals are given to a client, the counselor will check in with the client to see if they ere able to get the assistance they were in need of (Pogo). The fact that the counselors take the time to follow-up on things discussed during these sessions hold the client accountable for their treatment. Because they are held accountable, I feel that it helps to make methadone maintenance a more effective form of treatment.The goal of methadone maintenance treatment is to stabilize the patient. A stable dose of methadone with effect ively block the craving for one to use illicitly while avoiding withdrawal symptoms which in turn permits one to function â€Å"normally. † When taken properly, methadone will not create sedation or euphoria. It should have no adverse effects on mental capacity, motor skills, or the ability for one to maintain employment. A stable dose of methadone will hold a person for 24-48 hours which will allow them the time and energy to devote to making improvements in their lives.However, methadone maintenance treatment is a long term commitment. It can take up to a month to achieve a stable dose in order for a patient to get the most benefits out of treatment. A stable dose of methadone varies from person to person (Levied). There are many factors that will affect the dose that one would require to become stable. For many, the tolerance that they have built up over years of illicit use will require them to have a much higher dose of methadone in order to remain stable.For others, hea lth factors and other medications will affect the way their body is able to metabolize the methadone requiring them to have a higher or lower dose. Once a stable dose is achieved, one is usually able to begin the process of getting their lives back on track by dealing legal obligations, following up on medical care that has been pushed to the side, and mending broken relationships with family members (Pogo). The longer one remains committed to treatment; they will have a greater success rate for maintaining their goal of drug freedom.It is recommended that one remain in a methadone maintenance program for a minimum of one year. For many, once they achieve a stable dose and they are able to provide illicit free urine drug screenings, they feel that they will be able to effectively remain drug free on their own. In these cases, the rate of relapse is much higher than those who remain committed to the program for a year or in many cases longer (Methadone Is an Effective Treatment for H eroin Addiction). Those who remain in treatment for at least year are nearly three times as likely to remain drug free than those who are only in treatment for a short period of time.In a methadone maintenance program, the patient along with the influence of clinical and medical staff decide when they have reached a point in their treatment that they are ready to begin decreasing their dose in order to discharge from the treatment program. There is no set time frame to this process. When one decides they are ready to begin decreasing, they have generally been on a stable dose for an extended period of time and have shown that they are able to effectively manage heir new abstinent lifestyle.Patients that decrease their doses slowly have proven to have the most success in remaining drug free. The slow taper allows their bodies time to adjust to the change in medication so that they are able to refrain from having withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms are what will push a pers on into illicit opiate use again. Once a decrease in a person's methadone dose is taken, they are encouraged to remain at that lower dose for a period of at least 2-4 weeks.During this time, the clinical and medical staff is able to monitor the patient o ensure that they are handling the decrease in medication with no adverse effects. This process for tapering will continue until the patient has reached a dose of OMG when they will be able to â€Å"walk off' from the treatment. After the patient has been able to discontinue the use of methadone, they will still receive after care. Clinical staff will make phone calls to check in on the patient and offer them resources that will assist them in remaining drug free.Methadone and Jukeboxes clinics face tough criticism from many. People living in communities where these clinics are located are often unpleased with having a clinic n their neighborhood. Many feel that it will bring drug addicts and crime into their otherwise peaceful neig hborhoods (Swisher). What they fail to realize is that these addicts are a part of their communities regardless of if they are enrolled in a treatment facility or not (In My Own Words). It is a common misconception that it is very easy to â€Å"pick out† an addict (Mayo Clinic).However, that could not be more untrue. There are people everywhere that struggle daily with addiction. Some of these are doctors, lawyers, teachers, actors and actresses, and professional sports figures to name a few (Mayo Clinic). These are people that are clean, well dressed, well groomed and well spoken. Not every addict lacks personal hygiene and an education. There are certain risk factors that may be a factor in opiate addiction. For many who suffer from addiction, the environment that they are in plays a large role in them remaining dependent on illicit substances.There are also inherited traits that will influence one's addiction. Those that have immediate family that suffers with addiction ar e at a higher risk of also having addiction issues themselves. Research has also shown that males are nearly twice as likely to have addiction problems as males (Mayo Clinic). Methadone was approved by the FDA in 1972 for the treatment of opiate addiction. Methadone is considered to be the most effective treatment available to those addicted to opiates (Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MET): A Review of Historical and Clinical Issues).It is estimated that upwards of 170,000 individuals in the United States currently are enrolled in a methadone maintenance program. It has been proven that illicit drug use has decline by over 60% for those that have been enrolled in a methadone maintenance program for a year. For those that main committed to the program for at least two years, the use of illicit opiates declines by nearly 85% (Accreditation Of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Assuring Quality of Care. ) Furthermore, crimes committed by these individuals are also significantly reduced. After lengthy research, I am confident is saying that methadone maintenance treatment is not only the safest method of medication assisted treatment available to those battling opiate addiction, but it is also the most effective Accreditation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Assuring Quality of Care). The regulations overriding methadone maintenance are much stricter than those for other forms of treatment. Methadone maintenance is the only form of medication assisted treatment that is approved by the FDA for pregnant women.It also remains the form of treatment that has the most thorough requirements for admission, and for supplemental and after care. As with any form of treatment, there are pros and cons, however it has been proven that for someone struggling with this disease that the pros far outweigh the cons. This form of medication has assisted thousands of people in getting their lives back. It has made it possible for patients to function successfully in society. These pe ople will be able to maintain employment and be productive. The counseling that they receive will help them to recognize triggers and effectively avoid them.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Food Marketing 'ethics' play in food marketing Assignment

Food Marketing 'ethics' play in food marketing - Assignment Example There is need for socially responsible business to strike a fine balance between its profit making goals as well as the need to protect the long term interests of their consumers and the environment. The concept of ethics usually involves conflicting interests whereby people can disagree about the right course of action in a given situation. Marketers are therefore re-examining their connections with social values and responsibilities for the social and environmental impact of their actions. Corporate ethics and social responsibility have become hot topics for every business and only a few misguided companies can ignore these issues. As such, this essay seeks to critically analyse the role played by ethics in the process of marketing food. This essay is divided into three sections and the first part is concerned with outlining what is considered to be the most important ethical issues currently facing the food retail industry while the second section is concerned with describing how Tesco is tackling the issue of ethics in food marketing. The third part will look at economic and social trends within the European Union (EU) which may pose a conflict to the consumers with regards to ethics in marketing of food. Section A In recent years, it can be noted that the concept of ‘ethics’ has played an increasing role in food marketing. ... n be described as the â€Å"essential and enduring tenets† that help define the company and are â€Å"not to be compromised for financial gain or short term expediency,† (DesJardins, 2006, p.5). Values are obtained from a cultural environment which is made up of institutions and other forces that affect the society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences and behaviour these beliefs incline us to act in one way rather than the other (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004). There are many types of values which include financial, political, historical as well as religious among others. In as far as marketing of food is concerned, ethics may relate to a number of areas, for example, the healthiness of food, the effect of the food chain on the environment, and social effects of the food chain such as worker employment conditions. There are many factors as going to be outlined below that are considered to be the most important ethical issues currently facing the food retail indust ry. It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that the food they sale does not endanger the health of consumers or others. There is need to ensure that the organisation observes the health needs of the targeted consumers in order for it to remain viable. Whilst companies are not charity organisations, they need to safeguard the interests of the consumers with regards to their health concerns. For instance, genetically modified organisms (GMO) can be used to make food. However, these have come under criticism as a result of their side effects on the consumers’ health. This is an issue of ethical concern given that the organisation in question will need to take the health interests of the people into consideration of which failure to do that will result in negative publicity of the organisation

Sunday, July 28, 2019


GROWTH STRATEGIES DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN LARGE HOTEL CHAINS - Dissertation Example 21 Role of the Researcher 22 Data Analysis Technique 22 Reliability and Validity 23 Ethical Considerations 23 Findings and Analysis 25 Findings from the Interview 26 Discussion 34 Conclusion and Recommendations 37 Key Findings of the Study 37 Revisiting Aims and Objectives 38 Recommendations for Action 38 Recommendations for Further Study 40 References 41 Appendix- I 46 Abstract Hotel industry is one of the largest industries in the world that has progressed rapidly. Globalization has fueled this growth process as large hotel chains seek new venues to extend their business. Expanding overseas is not easy and a number of factors such as the entry mode, situation of the market, position of the market and economic and political situation of the host country have to be considered. The expansion involves a series of decisions; after the decisions have been taken, a strategy to implement them is then chalked out. Eastern European countries particularly Ukraine has caught the attention of m any multinational organizations and chains of hotels. The promising potential of the area has brought two major chains of hotels the Intercontinental and Fairmont to the capital city of Kiev. Both hotels have adopted different growth strategies although they target the same clients. The decision making processes in both hotels are different as well as in one hotel the General Manager is at a liberty to take most decisions while in the other decision making is done by the owners. This study by interviewing general managers at both hotels identified differences and similarities in decision making process at both hotels and make recommendations accordingly. Introduction Globalization has brought about significant changes in the world of business and has opened new avenues for investments; however one should understand importance of a well-planned project. In order to ensure project’s survivability, the whole process of decision-making must be supervised and overseen (Armesh, n.d .). It is crucially important that proper actions should be taken at the right stages of decision-making process and proper teams should be assigned to carry out the decisions (Armesh, n.d.) Only when the decisions are made after adequate research, the plans could be successful as highlighted by Walter (2010, p. 4) â€Å"the more information the â€Å"decision makers† have, the better will be the decision†. Walter (2010) explained that decision making requires balancing multiple objectives and there is an element of uncertainty in decisions where only the clarity of goals can tell the decision maker the best alternative therefore it is always good to have information because only then decision makers will be able to make informed decisions. Importance of making good decisions increases even further when the decision involves selection and implementation of growth strategies because then the stakes and risks are also high (Armesh, n.d.). Growth requires heavy investment and if things go wrong the business has to face heavy losses. Today, big hotel chains confront greater needs to invest more and more resources in decision-making process. In globalized and yet distinguished markets, large hotels must take all factors into account and consider the best growth decision; thus, ensuring success of the projects and return on their investment. This research study focuses on identifying and understanding elements involved in decision-makin

Saturday, July 27, 2019

APN Leader Interview Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

APN Leader Interview Project - Essay Example These competencies are essential behaviors for all Nursing Practitioners. They are necessary for the practitioners to face complex challenges in the translation of knowledge that is rapidly expanding into the function and practice in the health care environment that is also rapidly changing. Nurse Practitioners have skills, knowledge, as well as abilities that highly essential to the independent clinical practice. They acquire the competencies through patient care experiences that are mentored, analytic skills, and advanced knowledge of health care system. The Doctoral –prepared Nurse Practitioners get to apply their knowledge in scientific foundation in the quality care practice, they also have the ability to apply their acquired skills in technology and also in information literacy. Practitioners engage in practice inquiries where they improve health outcomes, health policy as well as health care delivery (Joel, 2013). There are also areas of increased skills, knowledge, and expertise that includes collaboration, advanced communication skills, leadership, complex decision making and the health care business. Upon completion of NP program, the practitioners fully possess the nine core competencies that are not based on or determined by population focus (Joel, 2013). The nine Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies are; scientific foundation competencies, leadership competencies, quality competencies, practice inquiry competencies, technology and information literacy competencies, policy competencies, heath delivery system competencies, ethics competencies, and independent practice competencies. The Nurse Practitioner (NP) in this case critically analyzes evidence and data for the improvement of advanced nursing practice, integrates knowledge from a combination of sciences and humanities that are within the nursing science context and translates research and knowledge in order to improve the processes and outcomes. The NP also gets to develop

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Fair Trade Movement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Fair Trade Movement - Research Paper Example The contemporary fair trade movement traces its roots back in the 1950’s when it was known as the Alternative Trade Organizations (ATO). Evidently, Alternative Trade Organizations were formed by humanitarian groups that sought to address the pertinent issue of poverty in the developing countries through alleviation measures. To this end, the humanitarian groups adopted the approach of cutting off the middleman from the supply chain of trade between small scale businesses in the Southern hemisphere and small scale producers in the Northern hemisphere (Warrier, 100). Evidently, Oxfam UK intervened by selling craftwork in Oxfam shops which were produced by Chinese refugees (Hutchens, 5). To this end, the result was increased amount of profits for the labour force in developing nations. In 1988, the Dutch chapter of the Alternative Trade Organizations, Solidarid, innovatively crafted a labelling mechanism. Evidently, it aided in the introduction of products within mainstream marke ts without betraying consumer trust in their acts of humanitarian assistance. Background Information In 1964, Oxfam UK formed the first Fair Trade Organization (Warrier, 100). In this regard, there were parallel interventions being undertaken in Netherlands. Consequently, an importing organization known as Fair Trade Original was created in 1967. To this end, Dutch third world associations started to sell sugar cane under the slogan, â€Å"by buying sugar cane, you offer poor people in third world countriea a chance in the sun of prosperity†. Moreover, the third world Dutch groups proceeded to sell Southern handicrafts and by 1969, they opened the first ‘Third World Shop.’ ... Consequently, this led to the creation of numerous Southern Fair Trade Organizations which established networks with the newly created Northern organizations (Hutchens, 5). Evidently, the North and South co-operation was centred on respect, dialogue, transparency and partnership. The mutual goal was towards achieving better equity in international trade. In addition, developing countries were engaged in international political platforms towards addressing the inequality and unfairness in international trade. In this regard, during the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development that took place in Delhi in 1968, the developing nations were addressing the issue of ‘Trade not Aid.’ To this end, the third world countries emphasized on the creation of mutual, and equitable trade partnership with the South. This was in defiance to the North’s approach which was involved in getting all the benefits and offering piecemeal benefits masqueraded as developmental aid. Evidently, development trade has been attributed to the growth of Fair Trade Movement since the late 1960s. Moreover, its growth is attributed to the responsive intervention against poverty as well as partly due to disaster emanating from the South. Its major focus during its inception was the marketing promotion of craft items. The eminent founders of the Fair Trade Movement were drawn from large humanitarian and religious organizations located in European countries. Consequently, collaboration with Southern counterparts led to the creation of Southern Fair Trade Organizations (Warrier, 100). Evidently, the Southern Fair Trade Organizations performed the work of

What does Pascal make for religious faith in the reading The Wager Essay

What does Pascal make for religious faith in the reading The Wager - Essay Example In plain language, his practical persuasion was, â€Å"if I believe in God and there is God, I am okay; and if I still believe in God but in fact there is really no God, I am still fine. And if I did not believe in God and there is really a God, then I am in trouble.† So it is always better to believe in God. Pascal’s Wager’s differ from other religious theologians who purported a priori proof of God’s existence that is independent of any proof or observation. Unlike Anselm who placed an ontological argument that because God is God, that his existence does not need to be validated by experience to justify that He exists, Pascal instead argued that one loses nothing in believing in God that it does not hurt to believe in God. In short, Pascal’s evidence can be derived from its possible benefit in believing God that one has everything to gain and losses nothing. Pascal might have approached the issue on the belief of God from a consequentialist point of view because he persuades people to believe in God out of the expected benefit that can be derived from it or the avoidance of harm and pain if one does not believe in God. While his reasoning is simple, the argument of weighing the benefit of believing in God vis-a-vis negating God is sensible especially to the modern mind who often asks, â€Å"What is in it for me?† He did not propose any elaborate philosophical reasoning that requires higher understanding such as the explanation of St. Augustine who argued that God does exist but the mode of knowing should be proportional to what is being observed. Man, being just a created being, cannot be proportionate to the understanding required to comprehend God because God being above all things, is above knowledge. He has to be understood on a higher plane of understanding or through â€Å"divine light†. For Pascal, man in his presen t cognitive ability, can already understand and believe in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Crime Prevention and Community Policing Coursework

Crime Prevention and Community Policing - Coursework Example We will examine this topic, not just as a mutually exclusive evolutionary process; rather, we will examine it within the social context of the culture of the time in order to understand how law and order and formalised policing have developed. According to Wall (2002) one of the earliest formalised laws was the Asisze of Clarendon in 1166. This law required all citizens "to report any suspicions about each other to the sheriffs people" (part 1:2). As demonstrated by the vagueness of the above, there was much room for interpretation as to what was considered 'suspicious' behaviour. It becomes easier to see that individual towns and villages had their own set of unwritten codes based on the social mores of the community to which the definition of 'crime' was determined. However, the earliest forms of 'policing' can be traced back to as early as the reign of King Alfred the Great who was monarch between 871 and 901 A.D with his introduction of the 'King's Peace' (Back, 2005). "Acting on the dictum 'What ye will that other men should not do to you, that do ye not to other men', he compiled a series of flexible laws. Basically, in return for being allowed to reign and to expect their unswerving allegiance, he promised them pea ce and security" (Back, 2005, screen 1). The early form of 'policing' was known as the Frankpledge or 'Hue and Cry'. The system was introduced by the Anglo-Saxons ("Our history", 2006, screen 1). When villagers came upon someone breaking the law, they would literally shout out, hence the 'hue and cry'. It became every citizen's duty then to give chase and capture the offending party. In these 12th century villages there was not formalised government as we understand it today. Alfred's great-grandson, Edgar, saw the benefit of such a system and made several changes which included dividing the country into shires. Local governance was based on loosely defined units of rule called 'tything'. These tythings were made up of a set of ten families (Back, 2005). Within each community the tything was made up several sets of families where their primary responsibility was to ensure the laws were observed within the village. In effect, "the decision to arrest and take before the court was basically a community decision" (Wall, 2002, part1.2). Additionally it was the responsibility of the entire community to protect the village from groups or bands of criminals. When the hue and cry went out letting the village know that a gang of outlaws were breaking laws within the village, the men of the village would form a posse comitatus ("Our history", 2006, screen 1). This posse would attempt to track down the offending parties and bring them to justice. The posse consisted of all able bodied men over the age of 12. As the weaponry became more modernised in the Middle Ages (i.e. archery), the age limit for all males required to take part in the posse comitatus was lowered to seven (Back, 2005). Within the tything, one person was made responsible for taking the law breaker, when captured, before the court to exact their punishment. This person came to be known as a Tythingman. Unlike police in modern society, the Tythingman

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership and decision making in organizations Assignment

Leadership and decision making in organizations - Assignment Example le in order to fulfil targets with honesty, acting in a transparent manner and possessing skilfulness, particularly in executing planning functions (Leatherman, 2008). Conceptually, these mentioned qualities strongly affirm that leadership often contributes in managing organisations in an effective manner, mitigating any possible threat, risk or vulnerability to the organisations’ sustainability. In this regard, leadership supports in managing organisations, facilitating effective communication amid every organisational member, fostering teamwork, exploiting the accessible resources effectively and most vitally making crucial decisions (Clegg & et. al., 2011; Grey, 2012). On the other hand, decision-making is often viewed as a cognitive procedure, which may result in selecting relevant course of actions amid numerous available options or alternative scenarios. Decision making is often viewed as one of the imperative responsibilities for leaders towards the accomplishment of or ganisational goals and objectives. Correspondingly, making effective decisions by a leader ultimately impose extensive impacts upon developing the overall performances and managing various crucial aspects of an organisation. The significance of decision-making is usually attributed to the fact that the decisions are generally made by the leaders in an organisation, demonstrating the values of the people associated within it, either directly or indirectly, which results in improving the overall performances of the organisation (Johnson, 2010). Correspondingly, this paper intends to discuss about the negative effects of leadership, particularly on employee and organisational productions. Moreover, a critical evaluation regarding the interrelation between leadership and production in organisations...On the other hand, decision-making is often viewed as a cognitive procedure, which may result in selecting relevant course of actions amid numerous available options or alternative scenario s. Decision making is often viewed as one of the imperative responsibilities for leaders towards the accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives. Correspondingly, making effective decisions by a leader ultimately impose extensive impacts upon developing the overall performances and managing various crucial aspects of an organisation. The significance of decision-making is usually attributed to the fact that the decisions are generally made by the leaders in an organisation, demonstrating the values of the people associated within it, either directly or indirectly, which results in improving the overall performances of the organisation (Johnson, 2010). Correspondingly, this paper intends to discuss about the negative effects of leadership, particularly on employee and organisational productions. Moreover, a critical evaluation regarding the interrelation between leadership and production in organisations along with the implications of stress generated by leadership and authority on the work environment, would also be conducted in the following discussion. Various aspects, such as the contribution of leadership to team environment and decision sharing between managers and employees will also be prudently analysed in this paper.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The relationship between internal and external customer service Essay - 2

The relationship between internal and external customer service - Essay Example For instance, if the firm is a shoe production line, external customers are individuals that may include retailers and suppliers who enters the firm’s store and buys merchandise. On the converse, internal customers entail individuals or any member of the firm who depends on the assistance from others to accomplish her routine duties. They include individuals such as marketing and sales agents who needs help from a customer service envoy to place an order. Thus the internal customers ensure that the shoes produced are up to external customer’s satisfaction. Whilst, the external (buyers, suppliers, etc.) and internal customers (employees) may execute dissimilar roles; both customers are critical to the feasibility of an organisation. Traditionally, companies may have a natural propensity on only focus on the relationship with their external customers, since they are the ones that buy the firms products and services. However, it has become necessary of late and with increasing recognition of the need to give internal customers the same degree of reliance, for good internal customers’ relationship fosters a healthy working environment. Among the simple initiatives that an organisation can invoke in improving internal customer relations would include changing the culture in an organisation for all employees to think of fellow workers in the same manner as with external customers. The top management should always set an example by appreciating workers’ endeavours and encourage their criticism (PAWAR, n.d.). Such proactive initiatives are crucial to boosting employee’s morale and leading to the flourish of the business. Various relations experts have made commendable opinions of the significance of this relationship. The objective of this essay is decisively to appraise the role played by internal customer service in the delivery of external customer service excellence For few decades now up

Monday, July 22, 2019

Workout World problem Essay Example for Free

Workout World problem Essay Fourth, independent owners do not follow a unified working time of seven in the morning to seven in the afternoon. Some operates on this working but do not. It creates so much confusion. Fifth, the strength of teamwork is gone. The central problem is the â€Å"huge bureaucracy developing and this is having negative effect on members and potential customers due to inconsistencies that have arisen across different services offered by Workout World. Before I offer solution or option and recommendation, it is quite important to understand what bureaucracy is. Nicos P. Monzelis said that â€Å"typical administrative apparatus corresponding to the legal type of domination is called bureaucracy† (Monzelis, p. 17). In other words, bureaucracy is a legal type of domination. Monzelis noted that term bureaucracy, especially in political writings often implies an abuse of power, a situation where officials have more power than is necessary for the performance of their tasks (p. 26). Going back to the Workout World problem, based on the concept given by Monzelis, we can analyze in detail the problem. First, bureaucracy is a legal domination. The independent owners of the four other business departments of the Workout World is clearly exerting domination as they already doing business in the name of Workout World independent to the general goals and policies of Workout World under the management of Peter Watson. Their staff were no longer cooperating or contributing towards the main objectives of the Workout World. Second, owners of independent sports department are now exerting more power than is necessary for their performance as they initiate moves that runs counter to the general goals of Workout World. That is collective promotion of the Workout World not independent promotion as this creates conflict and confusion on customers. In order for Peter Watson to cope or address the problem, he has to have enormous power and influence. Jeffrey Pfeffer noted the result of the survey conducted by Canadian business school, that â€Å"interdepartmental coordination, promotion and transfer decisions, and decisions about facilities and equipment allocation†¦ to be highly involve with power† (p. 35). Pfeffer emphasized that â€Å"to be successful in getting things done in organizations, it is critical that you be able to diagnose the relative power of the various participants and comprehend the patterns of interdependence† (p. 49). It means Peter Watson must carefully analyze the present situation, the strength and weakness of the independent departments, as the saying goes â€Å"to know your enemy is to win half of the battle. But where does power come? Pfeffer pointed out that â€Å"power comes from being in the right place† (p. 49). Pfeffer gave three good position to acquire power: (1) control over resources such as budgets, physical facilities, and position that can be used to cultivate allies and supporters; (2) control over or extensive access to information – about the organization’s activities, about the preferences and judgments of others, about what is going on, and who is doing it, and (3) formal authority. The Principles of Organizational Structure Helmy H. Baligh offer the concept of organization in the effort made by two persons to do some great task. Baligh said, â€Å"An organization structure would have a set of two people, and one or two decisions to be made† (Baligh, p. 2). Baligh pointed out that â€Å"while they were in the process of doing what they have decided to do, they were an organization† (p. 2). Baligh said, they were people who are connected by decision rules that they make for one another to use to determine what they are to decide or do. He noted that â€Å"together, the people and the rules that connected their decisions were an organization structure which determines what was to get done† (p. 2). Maria Burke noted that it is important to take into consideration the cultural context of an organization in order to establish a well-sounded communication. He emphasized the role of culture and its impact in the development of management system which is significant in the structure of an organization (p. 678).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Examining the usefulness of Financial Statement Analysis

Examining the usefulness of Financial Statement Analysis Financial statement analysis involves the assessment of a businesss past, present and future condition. The objective is to identify the weaknesses as well as the strengths of a business. If weaknesses are found, the business can take appropriate steps to correct or overcome them. On the other hand, the business can use its strengths to its advantage. In this way, the business will be able to improve its overall financial situation in the future. As the business owners they are intently interested in how well their business is doing. The most likely way to determine the status of a business is by analyzing the financial data and that means crunching the numbers. The basics of financial analysis usually mean calculating different financial ratios and then coming to conclusions about the how the company is financially performing. Financial ratios here refer to principal tools for financial analysis as they can be used to answer numerous questions regarding the businesss financial well being. Financial ratios are used by three main groups. First is Managers, who employ ratios to help analyze, control, and thus improve their firms operations. Second is a credit analyst, such as bank loan officers or bond rating analysts, who analyze ratios to help ascertain a companys ability to pay its debts. Third is stock analyst, who is interested in a companys efficiency, risk, and growth prospects. Also, the ratios provide useful information to users of financial statements for example investors and analysts to assess and evaluate the operations undertaken as well as being used to analyze its performance and position over time (Al-Ajmi J., 2008). As stated by Al-Ajmi J. (2008), the most important of the users groups to know about financial ratio analysis are investors and creditors because these users interested to read the contents of financial statements and calculate a variety of financial indicators before they want to make any final decisions on credit and investing decisions. To them, they believe that through analyzing financial statement will provide valuable financial indicators and have predictive power. Financial analysis can be done through assessing the financial statement of company. Financial statement in this case focuses on balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity. Financial ratios are generally classified into four main groups liquidity ratios, activity ratios, gearing ratios, and profitability ratios. The liquidity ratios can be used to measure whether the firm can repay its financial obligations on time or not. The two commonly used liquidity ratios are the current ratio and the quick ratio. Next is activity ratios can be used to measure how effectively the firm uses its resources (assets) to generate sales or revenue. This ratio is so called efficiency, turnover or even business asset management ratios. Commonly used to measure activity ratios are inventory turnover ratio, average collection period, accounts receivable turnover ratio, non-current assets turnover ratio and total assets turnover ratio. Third is gearing ratios also called debt management ratios and leverage ratios. This ratio indicate how the firm is utilizing outside funds to finance its assets and whether the firm can pay the interest on the use of these non-owner supplied f unds as well as repay the principal or the original amount of the loan. Commonly used to measure gearing ratios are debt ratio, time interest earned ratio and debt to equity ratio. Lastly are profitability ratios which can measure the end results of the firms ability to produce profits from its resources as well as to measure the companys use of its assets and control of its expenses to generate an acceptable rate of return. The most commonly used ratio is gross profit margin and net profit margin. Knowing the financial ratios of our business is important because by knowing what these ratios mean and being aware of trends can aid the entrepreneur in better managing a business in future. In general this paper is reviewing the literature review on the effect of analysis of financial ratios on business financial performance or financial situation in three different types of industries. Focus on the analysis of financial ratio in service industry, financial industry and higher institutional education. There are different views and different effects when financial ratio analysis going to used to analyze company performance from different types of industry. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 USEFULNESS OF FINANCIAL RATIOS Financial ratios are said as the most widely used indicators of company. It play a role to value firms, to distinguish creditworthy companies compare to others, to identify acquisition targets and to indicate the process of organizational in completing or the time needed to complete a task (Al-Ajmi J., 2008). The financial analysis model known as a quite helpful tool for executives to measure or predict enterprise bankruptcy or enterprise failure provides concerned decision-makers (authorities) with the possibility or hoping to avoid failures. Also it becomes an early warning system to the corporate management. (Karacaer and KapusuzoÄÅ ¸lu, 2008). As stated by Karacaer and KapusuzoÄÅ ¸lu, (2008), the most highest ratios contribution in the analysis regarding the variables whose effect the financial condition of the sample enterprise are ROE, debt ratio, net working capital, acid test ratio, net profit ratio, cash ratio, and current ratio respectively. Among of them, the liquidity ratios are the main element in these ratios. It is observed that all the variables have differing but significant effects on the corporate financial situation. Financial ratios can be used as financial indicators which allow for comparisons between companies, between industries, between different time periods for one company, between a single company and its industry average. Apart from that, financial ratios generally hold no meaning unless they are benchmarked against something else, like past performance or another company and industries. The reason behind that is the ratios of firms in different industries, which face different risks, capital requirements, and competition are usually hard to compare if we have no other things to compare (Wikipedia). As mentioned by Salmi, Timo Roy Dahlstedt Martti Luoma Arto Laakkonen (1988), financial ratios are commonly used for comparison of financial position intra-industry. Also, in financial statement analysis a firms performance and financial status are frequently evaluated in relation to other firms in the same branch of industry or in relation to industry averages. 2.2 STEPS TO EFFECTIVELY FINANCIAL RATIOS As stated by Darrel Hulsey, the basics of financial analysis usually mean calculating different financial ratios and then coming to conclusions and clarification regarding on how the company is financially performing in business activities. There are certain things that must be considered before too many conclusions are drawn. Firstly, understand what comprise different financial ratios before start analyzing companys data. Must take into consideration all financial ratios numbers derived from financial statement comprise of balance sheet and income statement. Balance sheets represent a reflection for a particular point in time. Income statements present a cumulative time summary of performance. For example, year-end financial statements should include a balance sheet that presents how various company accounts look on that particular day at the end of the year, whereas the income statement shows how companys performance over the period Second is evaluating external influencing factors. As with all companies, the financial statements can be influenced by various factors like management or owner decisions and discretionary spending, seasonal effects, legal structure choice, type of industry, customer mix, or a number of other issues. These factors can influence the financial statements and will, in turn, influence the financial ratios analysis. Third is look at internal trends. Always keep in mind is that one ratio alone tells one very little. A clear picture starts developing when one looks at ratios over different time increments. By comparing financial results against prior performance one gets a better idea of what is occurring within the company. Trends will start to develop and can give insight into areas that may need corrective attention or to areas that may need to be reinforced. Internal trend analysis is most likely most beneficial because one is comparing similar business situations over various periods of time. Fourth is compare results to the industry. Comparing your business performance to other similar businesses is a common way to judge how well the business is doing. Even though this is very common, there are limitations to doing so. First realize these comparative ratios represent an average. Averages are simply that and most likely your business will vary somewhat. Next be sure you are comparing your business to other businesses similar in asset size and sales volume. In some cases there may be no suitable comparisons. Try to insure you are comparing apples to apples. There are several sources to get comparative financial data including private companies such as Risk Management Association (RMA) and trade associations that collect data from their members. Knowing what is the average for your industry is important. The averages can serve as a general benchmark for your business. Additionally, these averages are often times used to compare your business performance when you are seeking capital from outside sources such as a bank. Being different may not be a deal killer, but not being able to explain why you are different may indeed be a deal killer. 2.3 THE EFFECT OF ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL RATIOS ON BUSINESS FINANCIAL SITUATION IN DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES 2.3.1 SERVICE INDUSTRY In measuring the performance of service firms, the most strongest and consistent ratios used are activity and profitability ratios. Obviously, the profitability ratios indicate that small service firms have higher returns to sales than large firms. Specifically, service firms have less liquidity, greater activity, and higher profitability. Interestingly, the small and medium size service firms had higher total debt levels. The short-term debt findings show that service firms used significantly smaller amounts of short term funding. Means that service industry more prefer to finance the business activity through long term debt. On top of that in service industry, the most suitable of ratio to measure business profitability is by calculating return on equity. Apart from that, activity ratio was measured by a primary ratio and a secondary ratio. It refers to sales to assets and sales to inventory respectively (Michael D., John X. and Steven J.). The results found by Michael D., John X. and Steven J. associated with the activity ratios for service firms show a positive and significant relationship an concluded that size of firm very unrelated to productivity of public firms in service sector The growth in air transportation industry gives a picture that performance evaluation is important for executives body to identify and recognize the operating problems arise in market competition. According to Feng C.M. and Wang R.T. (2000), referring to previous study it more concerning airline performance evaluation which only focus merely on operational performance. However, evaluation on financial performance is seems to be ignored. As far as we are concern, to measure the survival prospect of an airline market can be look through the financial performance of the company itself. The absence of financial ratios may lead to biased assessment. There are three main types of performance indicators used in airline industry. The first one is production efficiency, marketing efficiency and execution efficiency which relate to department of production, marketing and management (Feng C.M. and Wang R.T., 2000). As stated by Feng C.M. and Wang R.T. (2000), in making analysis of financial statement of airline industry, assets and capital of the owners equity are classified as the input of financial factors. Moreover debts and expense are classified as the output of the financial factors and for revenue or otherwise losses categorized as the outcome of financial factors. Due to that, the input financial factors characterized by sunk cost which included flight equipment and interest expense, while its output by intangible products. Otherwise its consumption characterized as not-stored services. 2.3.2 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Evaluating the performance and financial condition of the financial service organizations is very critical. The intermediation role of financial institutions in market trading is such that performance in this sector indirectly gives impacts on other sectors of the economy. When performance is good it will contribute a positive effect on the economy but when the financial sector is distressed and got some problems then they will contribute a negative effect on other sectors of the economy (Ibiwoye A., 2010). In the perspective of banks to achieve their aims for institution development was by growing the components of their assets as an alternative of moving to increase the profitability. All of these require the determination and management of several factors, which play an important role in the profitability of banks in the new environment (Halkos and Salamouris 2004). In U.S Banks, to increase investors hope and confidence, they adopt Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) which provides bank ratings as a forward-looking measure of a banks ability to meet its financial obligations. The DBRS ratio analysis focuses on four interrelated aspects of a banks financial health. First is Earnings Power, it refers to the ability to generate consistent profits and grow capital internally. Second is Asset Quality, it refers to the potential for losses that could impair earnings and capital. Third is liquidity where it focuses on cash resources available to meet short-term obligations. And the last one is Capital Adequacy; it refers to the ultimate creditor protection against future losses (Reid, Lister, Schwartz, and Muranyi, 2005) According to Al-Ajmi J., (2008), the financial indicators that analysts use as basis for decisions are not necessarily all equally useful to them in making any decision. There are no significant differences between credit analysts and financial analysts with respect to 40 of the indicators identified in the study. From the perspectives of 244 credit analysts and financial analysts in Bahrain, they are measured by the ranking of 71 financial indicators and 5 components of corporate governance. Based on the result it shows that credit analysts consider the quick ratio as the most useful ratio, followed by the non-recurrent ratio. For the financial analysts they consider price-earnings as the most useful ratio, followed by the market-to-book ratio. It is also worth mentioning that the efficiency difference between large and small banks reaches its maximum value in 1999. While doing financial analysis it has a positive relationship between size and performance. Besides, through mergers and acquisitions it leads to a continuous increase of average efficiency of the larger banks while efficiency of the small banks is impaired. It is proved that the higher the size of total assets leads to the higher of the efficiency is. It is evidenced from the significant increase in the sum of the total assets employed in the market as well as the increase in the average level of Banks Assets (Halkos and Salamouris, 2004). 2.4.3 HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS As study did by Buddy N.J. (1999), it identified a set of financial ratios that summarize the financial situation of a higher education institution in which the ratios helped to analyze the financial solvency and viability of the six higher education institutions in Oklahoma. The study focused on the ability of the institutions to meet current and future financial requirements of the institutions. Therefore financial ratio analysis is the most suitable and known as an effective communication to the mind of users regarding financial situations of universities and colleges to internal and external entities. On top of that, ratios known as excellent tools for facilitating the communication, analysis, and understanding of large masses of complicated, detailed information of the institutions. As what have been found in study conducted by Chabotar, (1989); Cirtin Lightfoot, (1996), they concluded that financial ratio analysis could also serve as a tool to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of higher institution education as what been done by ratio analysis in analyzing business financial condition. In this case Buddy N.J. (1999) said that financial ratio analysis allows for the evaluation of past performance and for future planning of institutions. By identifying a manageable number of quality ratios, the presentation of financial data may be more efficient and tell a better story and give a better picture of the true financial condition of the institution of higher education. The reduction of a large mass of numbers into a few manageable, easily interpreted ratios will allow both internal and external entities to make better-informed decisions regarding financial position and condition of higher learning institutions. In the opinion of Buddy N.J. (1999), understanding the financial condition of higher education institutions become an important part in view of decision making to respond to any pressures arise. As supported by Chabotar, (1989) where work on financial ratio analysis for higher education institutions has aimed at clarifying and explain the perceptions and making judgments of financial distress more credible. Financial ratios can also have the reverse use, to identify what is unique about a higher education institution. The most frequently cited motivation for financial ratio analysis is the ability to control for the effects of size difference over time and across institutions As mentioned by Buddy N.J. (1999), financial ratio analysis can help both the institutional user and those agencies to make funding decisions. This is due to where the financial ratio analysis could be used to obtain the physical evidence of any deviations of the norms and could also allow management by exception. Also financial ratios recognized as an indicator to whether conditions are getting worse or getting better which may allow management by exception and alerts the institution to the possibility of future financial distress. Besides, financial ratio analyses have a role to identify how and in what ways the condition is changing (Collier Patrick, 1978). Lupton, Augenblick, and Heyison (1976) in their study identified the indicators which include institutional control, enrollment trends, trends in education and general expenditures, current fund revenues to expenditures, academic expenditures to education and general expenditures, freshman full-time equivalents (FTEs) to total undergraduate FTEs, and tuition and fees to student aid revenues. All these indicators determined by using a panel of experts, as well as discriminate analysis, to determine 16 discriminating indicators of financial condition. Whereas, Collier and Patrick (1978) conducted theory-based research and developed a set of dimensions that describe financial condition which comprise of financial independence, revenue drawing power, financial risk, revenue stability, and reserve strength. Same as what being done by Lupton etc., Collier and Patrick also used experts and discriminate analysis to determine the indicators that differentiate between strong and weak private institutions and between strong and weak public institutions. As agreed by Buddy N.J. (1999) the purpose of institutional comparisons is to highlight differences and to raise important questions about past and future policies for internal and external entities. The reason is many higher education institutions differ from comparative peers for good and valid reasons. The argument might be that, when an understanding is reached for why an institution scores differently from its comparative peers, a conclusion can be drawn as to what is unique about that institution as compared to others institutions. Referring to study of Buddy N.J. (1999), he found that many of the measures financial ratios used by higher education institutions are based on what sources financial revenues are earned and for what services expenses are incurred. Based on the result it allows both internal and external entities to monitor institutional effectiveness and efficiency. There are 15 key financial relationships being used by Donald E. Miller (1972) to set forth for business and industry a cause-and-effect ratio analysis based. The reason is higher education institutions will find themselves in a particular financial position because of some cause or causes. The 15 ratios have been applied and tested as a unified system in thousands of business situations demonstrated that, when used together; provide a fundamental financial understanding to the users. The interrelationships that exist among financial resources require a better examination of the institutions total fund structure. A better understanding o f the trends in and the condition of the financial resources is important to the early detection of any institutional distress. Changes in resources are symptoms of those internal and external factors might cause financial pressure or development. A higher education institution with sufficient financial resources can withstand adverse trends and has the flexibility to institute changes at opportune moments to reverse the trends. Resources merely provide the opportunity to be flexible through economic changes and experiment where possible without jeopardizing and impair the institutions future prospect. 3.0 CONCLUSION It is important to analyze trends in ratios as well as their absolute levels. Trend analysis can provide clues as to whether the firms financial situation is likely to improve or to deteriorate. Financial statement analysis involves a study of the relationships between income statement and balance sheet accounts, how these relationships change over time (trend analysis), and how a particular firm compares with other firms in its industry as we called as benchmarking. In addition, financial statements are used to help predict the firms future earnings and divi ­dends. From an investors standpoint, predicting the future is what financial state ­ment analysis is all about. From managements standpoint, financial statement analysis is useful both to help anticipate future conditions and, more important, as a starting point for planning actions that will influence the future course of events The importance of financial statement analysis should not be underestimated. The understandable format of financial ratios allows virtually any stakeholder and users of financial statement to acquire a basic comprehension of the most critical financial policies of institutions and their financial condition. Chabotar, K. J. (1989). Financial ratio analysis comes to nonprofits. Journal of Higher Education, 60(2), 188-208. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ 389 089) Cirtin, A., Lightfoot, C. (1996). Financial statement analysis for private colleges and universities. The National Public Accountant, 41(8), 29-34. Collier, D. J., Patrick, C. (1978). A multi-variate approach to the analysis of institutional financial condition. Boulder, CO: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems. Chabotar, K. J. (1989). Financial ratio analysis comes to nonprofits. Journal of Higher Education, 60(2), 188-208. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ 389 089) Lupton, A. H., Augenblick, J., Heyison, J. (1976). A special report: The financial state of higher education. Change, 8(8), 20-35. Miller, D. E. (1972). The meaningful interpretation of financial statements: The cause-and-effect ratio approach. New York, NY: American Management Association, Inc.