Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The main purpose Essay Example for Free

The main purpose Essay Businesses have functional areas so that the business can stay organized. Functional areas are the business broken down in to small areas so it becomes easier for the business to be looked after. The main purpose of functional areas is to ensure that all important business activates are carried out efficiently. if the business is to achieve its aims and objectives. In addition, specific areas will be responsibility for supporting specific types of aims and objectives. (BTEC first 2nd edition business). Functional areas large business organisations like Tate and Lyle divide themselves into different functional areas, this is because they have to be well organised to make all their aims and objectives possible and to make it an even easier place to work so that it can be more productive. There are different teams of people who are split into different functional areas so they are able to make the business operate more efficiently. All of the functional areas arent dependent on each other but have to work closely together for Tate and Lyle to operate. (http://www. coursework. info/GCSE/Business_Studies/Functional_areas_within_business_L65336. html) There are seven different functional areas in a business: 1. Finance 2. Administrations. 3. I. C. T. 4. Marketing. 5. Sales. 6. Research and Development. 7. Customer Services. 8. Human Resources. 9. Disterbution. 10. Production. These are the ten main functional areas in a business. Finance for NHS is given by the government and the government recives money from tax payers. Finance is one of the functional areas in a business. Finace deals with all the money in the flowing through the business. Finance studies and addresses the ways in which individuals, businesses, and organizations raise, allocate, and use monetary resources over time, taking into account the risks entailed in their projects. The term finance may thus incorporate any of the following:   The study of money and other assets   The management and control of those assets * Profiling and managing project risks   As a verb, to finance is to provide funds for business. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/finance). Administration is also a functional area in a business that deals with keeping track of all the transactions that take place. In business, administration consists of the performance or management of transactions and other matters, and the making and implementing of major decisions. Administrator can serve as the title of the General Manager or Company Secretary who reports to a corporate board of directors. This use is archaic. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/Administrations) I. C. T is used in most business to help make paper work easier and makes it easier to keep records. Director General of NHS IT Richard Granger gave some insights into his approach for realizing the aims and objectives set out in Delivering 21st century IT supports for the NHS in June 2002. Referring to the publication, he said that when he started last October he inherited a working paper not an implementation plan. In his view, in the past, NHS ICT-based projects had largely stuck at the features phase, which meant that the NHS rarely got to the benefits stage. He described the pitfall of spending a long time, often years, in the specification phase, which does not allow for the half-life of ICTs. By the time a specification is agreed and a solution procured, technology has moved on and the solution no longer delivers the current requirement. Mr. Granger clearly intends the NHS to get to the benefits stages of all its ICT procurements in the National Programmer for IT. ( http://www. bjhc. co. uk/news/1/2003/6001. htm) Research and Development is also a functiomal area in business. Research and development is done so your bussiness can provide there customers changing needs. Research and development   How to anticipate and adapt to your customers changing requirements. Find out about non-financial schemes and networks to help your business with research and development. * Credits and allowances can reduce your tax bill if you spend money on RD. (http://www. businesslink. gov. uk/bdotg/action/layer? topicId=1073859020) Customer Service Customer service is involved with dealing with customer enquires and certain problem that may arise with complaints, this is customer services comes in and deals with the problem solving of certain things that a customer may face. Good Customer Services = Satisfaction. Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business wont be profitable for long. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. (http://sbinfocanada. about. com/od/customerservice/a/custservrules. htm) Customer Service Software Flight deck the way to provide good customer services. What is Good Customer Care, its something that makes your customers Happy to do business with you   Customer Satisfaction, use Flight deck and be amazed how easy it is (http://www. flightdeckcrm. co. uk/customer-service-definition. aspx) Marketing Marketing is all about meeting customres needs. it Is a functional area in a businesses, markiting looks at the four ps wich are prouduct, prise, promotion and place. These are the four ps that the marketing departmant has to look at through the customers eyes. Marketing research research that gathers and analyzes information about the moving of good or services from producer to consumer. Market research is broader in scope and examines all aspects of a business environment. It asks questions about competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment. (See Environmental scanning. ) Sometimes the term refers more particularly to the financial analysis of companies, industries, or sectors. In this case, financial analysts usually carry out the research and provide the results to investment advisors and potential investors. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/marketing+research) Sales Sales are also a functional area in a business and businesses. Sales are the exchange of a good or a service for money e. g. card, cash and check. Sales, or the activity of selling, form an integral part of commercial activity. It could be argued that it is the cornerstone of business as it is the meeting of buyers and sellers and all other areas of business has the goal of making that meeting successful. Mastering sales is considered by many as some sort of persuading art. On the contrary, the methodological approach of selling refers to it as a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesperson relates his offering enabling the buyer to visualize how to achieve his goal in an economic way. (http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary. com/sales) Human recourses Human recourses are functional areas in a business and it is for the employees (staff) of the business. Human recourses is in charge of recruiting new employees for the business and ensuring that the employee is trained and is suitable for the vacancy available. Human recourses aim to keep good and experienced workers so that business has a low staffs turn over, all employees have needs and expectations, just like customers the business has to look after it staff, this benefits the business because the staff be come more motivated because there needs are being meet. Human resources are the field of personnel recruitment and management. The person employed in a business or organization is staff. The number one glossary suggestion and question that people request is: What is the definition of human resources? William R.Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary defines Human Resources as: The people that staff and operate an organization as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. The organizational function that deals with the people Long a term used sarcastically by individuals in the line organization, because it relegates humans to the same category as financial and material resources, human resources will be replaced by more customer-friendly terms in the future. (http://humanresources. about. com/od/glossaryh/f/what_hr.htm). Disterbution Disterbution basically is the goods getting diliverd to the right location, right time and in good codition. Disterbution functions   Ensuring all goods are appropriately stored before dispatch   Ensuring goods for dispatch are securely packed and correctly labeled   Checking vehicle loads are safe and secure   Ensuring goods are dispatched at the right time   Checking that all deliveries match orders precisely and notifying sales if there are a discrepancy Completing the delivery document   Planning and scheduling vehicles routes. Notifying sales staff of delivery schedules so that customers can be informed * Dealing with distribution problems e. g. through bad weather or vehicles brake down. (BTEC first 2nd edition business) Production Production is the making of the product or good. production could be one of the flowing Manufacturing, a branch of industry that processes raw materials into finished goods for sale. Production, costs, and pricing, in microeconomics, the act of making things. Mass production, the large-scale production of standardized products using an assembly line. (http://en. NHS functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. HMV functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Production. AGRICULITURE farms functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. OXFAMS functional areas are: Finance Administrations. I. C. T. Marketing. Sales. Research and Development. Customer Services. Human Resources. Disterbution.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

King Phillip :: essays research papers

King of Spain, only son of the Emperor Charles V, and Isabella of Portugal, b. at Valladolid, 21 May, 1527; d. at the Escorial, 13 Sept., 1598. He was carefully educated in the sciences, learned French and Latin, though he never spoke anything but Castilian, and also showed much interest in architecture and music. In 1543 he married his cousin, Maria of: Portugal, who died at the birth of Don Carlos (1535). He was appointed regent of Spain with a council by Charles V. In 1554 he married Mary Tudor, Queen of England, who was eleven years his senior. This political marriage gave Spain an indirect influence on affairs of England, recently restored to Catholicism; but in 1555 Philip was summoned to the Low Countries, and Mary's death in the same year severed the connection between the two countries. At a solemn conference held at Brussels, 22 Oct., 1555, Charles V ceded to Philip the Low Countries, the crowns of Castille, Aragon, and Sicily, on 16 Jan., 1556, and the countship of Burgun dy on the tenth of June. He even thought of securing for him the imperial crown, but the opposition of his brother Ferdinand caused him to abandon that project. Having become king, Philip, devoted to Catholicism, defended the Faith throughout the world and opposed the progress of heresy, and these two things are the key to his whole reign. He did both by means of absolutism. His reign began unpleasantly for a Catholic sovereign. He had signed with France the Treaty of Vaucelles (5 Feb., 1556), but it was soon broken by France, which joined Paul IV against him. Like Julius II this pope longed to drive the foreigners out of Italy. Philip had two wars on his hands at the same time, in Italy and in the Low Countries. In Italy the Duke of Alva, Viceroy of Naples, defeated the Duke of Guise and reduced the pope to such distress that he was forced to make peace. Philip granted this on the most favourable terms and the Duke of Alva was even obliged to ask the pope's pardon for having invade d the Pontifical States. In the Low Countries Philip defeated the French at Saint Quentin (1557) and Gravelines (1558) and afterwards signed the Peace of Cateau-Cambresis (3 April, 1559), which was sealed by his marriage with Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of Henry II.

Monday, January 13, 2020

American Literature Before 1865

While the land issue is frequently invoked as the reason behind the extermination of indigenous Americans by European settlers, the real issue was a clash of cultures that held incompatible world views. Among Native Americans (hereafter referred to as â€Å"Indians† for convenience and because this is actually Native peoples’ preferred appellation according to Coeur d’Alene writer Sherman Alexie), society was usually very egalitarian, and even democratic. Europeans on the other hand believed in top-down, societal structures with rigid orders and classes.Most Indians were hunters and gatherers; this is how they survived, acknowledging game and wild edible plants as gifts of nature. In light of the harsh, puritanical Yahwist world view of the Europeans, it is significant that those in a hunting-gathering society rarely have to work more than five or six hours per week in order to satisfy their basic needs; Euro-Christians were children of a vengeful, patriarchal go d who demanded that they earn their bread by the sweat of their brow (unless of course, one was a successful capitalist, in which lower classes would do it on one’s behalf).Their warped belief system demanded that they till the earth; hunting was for sport. Many (not all) Indians found the thought of agriculture as an affront to the earth; if the Great Spirit had provided berries, roots and game animals, why would they scratch open the Great Mother seeking more?Sexuality was another issue; while most Indians embraced it as any normal, healthy life form and exhibited great tolerance for homosexuality and trans-gendered people (some of whom had high status, as was the case of the Cherokee â€Å"Two Spirit†), Europeans were – as many Americans are now – embarrassed, ashamed, intolerant and repressive when it came to sexual matters. Women among many Indian tribes also had a huge degree of freedom and equality with men, which was rigidly denied to European wom en. Different European groups had very different experiences and problems in encountering and interacting with Indians.In A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virgina, written in 1587 prior to the mysterious disappearance of the Roanoke Colony, the explorer Harriot – a product of the Elizabethan England of Shakespeare – wrote under the heading Of The Nature and Manners of the People that the Indians â€Å"†¦are not to be feared, â€Å" but warning â€Å"that they shall have cause to feare and love us, that shall inhabite with them† (241). Harriot goes on the describe them in some detail as to their animal-skin clothing, their lack of edged tools and their style of warfare.He writes, â€Å"In respect of us, they are a people poore, and for want of skill and judgement in the knowledge and use of our things, doe esteeme our trifles [toys, coins and cooking tools] before things of greater value† (242). This statement is significant, partic ularly in light of later experiences of the English in Virginia – experiences that involved great suffering, death and privation. Here, Harriot indulges in typical English chauvinism, judging Indian society and culture by the standards of his own.It should have become obvious over the ensuing twenty years that a lack of technology did not necessarily make for an inferior culture; masters of their environment, the Indians were well able to survive and even thrive in a place where the first English settlers starved, existed in poverty and frequently died. Even Harriot’s statement that â€Å"should they desire our friendship and love, [they will] have the greater respect for pleasing and obeying us† – a clear declaration of intentions to enslave Indians – proved to be based on this faulty logic as future English settlers discovered when they attempted to do just that.Harriot’s description of the local Indian’s religion indicates there we re some traits shared with their own Christianity; immortality of the soul, analogues to Heaven and Hell, and even formal worship rituals held in â€Å"houses appropriate or temples† (243). While by no means typical of all Indian spirituality or religion, it was these kinds of similarities that some Catholic missionaries were able to use in their successful conversions elsewhere.With similarities such as described by Harriot, one wonders if some elements of Christianity had not filtered north from Spanish claims in Florida. Alternatively, given the chauvinistic tendencies of Europeans in general and the English in particular that led to so many misunderstandings, it is quite possible that Harriot may have been simply seeing what he expected and/or desired to see. In any event, the English did not hesitate to use the Indian’s own normal fears of the unknown against them for their own advantage.During a drought, local Indians (some of the few who did engage in agricultur e, apparently) came to believe their problems had been brought on by their own actions, and offered to play to the â€Å"God of England, that he would preserve their Corne,† offering the English a portion when the harvest came in. Later, when diseases carried by the English were spread to those Indians who had no natural immunity, the English were all too happy to attribute the plague to their vengeful God for their â€Å"wicked practises† (245).In the case of Indians to whom such things had never happened and had no concept of how disease spread through bacteria and viruses, this self-serving explanation on the part of the English was all too acceptable. The Spaniards’ experiences with Indians were as varied as the Indian cultures they encountered. For example, with complex urban societies such as the Aztecs and Incas, the Spaniards were forced to deal with powers that were nearly equal to their own in terms of technology and organization; only through collabor ators within these civilizations were leaders like Cortez and Pizzaro able to succeed in their conquests.Further north, the Dine (Navajo) and Zuni presented somewhat less of a challenge. Unlike the English who came for land, the Spaniard’s main objective was plunder; gold, silver, slaves and souls. Unlike the primarily secular English expeditions, the Spaniards operated under the blessings of an aggressive Roman Catholic church, whose tool was the Holy Inquisition (rather different from the â€Å"kinder, gentler† brand of Catholicism brought by French missionaries to Indians further north).The Zuni – linguistically related to the Nez Perce, Yakama, Klamath and Modoc peoples of the Pacific Northwest, yet living in New Mexico – embraced a kind of spirituality that was completely unlike Christianity. There religion was organized into different â€Å"societies,† each of which governed a specific aspect of the community (22). In many ways, Zuni religion resembled that of the ancient Mayans; a â€Å"sun priest† known as a Pekwin kept a calendar; there was also a belief in â€Å"Hero Twins,† hearkening back to the Mayan legends of Hunahpu and Xibalanque.The Hero Twins also appear in the mythology of other Southwest peoples, including the Navajo (34). This and many other aspects of Zuni culture are revealed in their own creation myth, whose relationship with the Spaniards was hostile practically from the beginning; taken as one of the â€Å"Seven Cities of Cibola,† this sedentary, semi-urbanized, agricultural people successful drove off the initial Spaniard invasion in 1540. A Catholic mission was eventually established some ninety years later, but in 1680, the Zuni were in rebellion once again, joining other Pueblo Indians against the Spaniards.Zuni attitudes toward the Spaniards are apparent in a later version on the Zuni creation story, in which the Trickster, or â€Å"mischief-maker,† is associated wit h Mexicans, or Spaniards. The Trickster is a common figure in nearly all myths in all cultures on the planet; the late Joseph Campbell considered the Trickster as an integral part of the archetype â€Å"mythic journey,† or Hero’s Quest. The purpose of a Trickster was to lead the Hero astray, or attempt to delay or even foil the Quest.Among American Indian cultures, the Trickster could take many forms, but most frequently appeared as a Coyote. While he could be a teacher and frequently force one to confront that which they might not otherwise wish to deal with, Coyote could also be a mischief-maker. Associated Coyote with Mexicans/Spaniards had a negative connotation. In this version of the creation story, Mexicans also emerge later than the Zuni. This is yet another point of significance; like many tribal peoples, their name for themselves translates as â€Å"The People,† with the implication that others are not â€Å"people.† The name Halona-Iriwana, the Zuni pueblo, means â€Å"The Middle Ant Hill of the World,† suggesting that chauvinistic self-centeredness was not unique to the English and Spaniards. It has been suggested that this type of mentality was what allowed the Europeans to decimate the Indian populations; had all Indian peoples been able to unite against the invaders, European settlers might not have been quite as successful. The problem with this idea is in the sheer diversity of Indian peoples, not only in terms of language, but culture and even physical traits.While warfare among American Indian tribes never reached the kind of wholesale slaughter that it did among Europeans, conflict and competition for resources and prestige was still quite common. Cultural diversity may be something to treasure today, but in American history, it has had great – and often tragic – consequences. Works Cited Baird, Forrest E. and Walter Kaufman, eds. From Plato to Derrida, 4th Ed. (Upper Saddle River: Prentice H all, 1997).

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Effects Of Video Games On The Psyche Of Kids And...

Since video games are a relatively new medium of artistic expression and entertainment, not much is known about the effects of continual exposure to them, especially at a young age. The effects of violent media on the psyche of kids and adolescents has been a pressing concern for many years now, as stated in a study conducted by Tortolero et al. (2014), where it is observed that most other studies done on the subject of video games were mainly focused on aggression (p.609). In the current attempt to identify a relationship between video games and the attitudes of youths, the researchers have decided to instead focus on levels of depressive symptoms and the amount of time spent playing video games through a cross-sectional analysis (Tortolero et al., p.609). The researchers have focused on the branch of psychology focused on mental health, clinical psychology (King, 2014, p.16), and the psychological problems associated with prolonged exposure to violent video games, specifically in p readolescents. The study was meant to observe the levels of depressive symptoms in children who played violent video games using the Major Depressive Disorder Scale of the DISC Predictive Scales to identify these symptoms which included lack of pleasure, lack of interest in activities, concentration difficulties, low energy, low self-worth, and suicidal ideation (Tortelo et al., 2014, p.610-611). The purpose of the study was to see if there was a correlation between the amounts of time spentShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games: Closing the Doors to Success688 Words   |  3 Pagesviolent outbreaks may be linked to violent video games. There has been an increasing amount of crime in the age groups involved violent video games in some way. 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